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How to set up scripts to target ads on Google Display Network better

Pay Per Click

Have you seen those questions on Linked-In groups asking which platform is the best to place ads? Well if you have, you can send them the link to this post. This post is meant to be a useful tip guide for those that want to pick places to place ads on the Internet – from YouTube, mobile apps, sites that are subject specific or forums.

When you are utilizing diverse targeting on Google Display Network, Google selects placements for the ads automatically, unless you do them manually. It might be covenant, but the stats will show that some will be a total miss, others will leave you pleased.

But to impress your boss, you should kind of try to avoid the bad choices. There is hope though, you can find the bad placements using different parameters and omit them to stop any impressions on these placements in the future.

First some technical stuff. Will keep it brief, I promise. But Google Display Network allows you to connect with customers using different ad formats over the digital space. There are more than 2 million websites that reaches 90% of all the people what have access to the internet. That is a massive market. So, Google Display Network can help you reach people whilst they are browsing websites by showing a YouTube video to a colleague while they are checking their Gmail account or accessing a mobile app.

Still the great feature of Google Display Network is that you can select the reach that you focus can be narrow or broad. For instance, you can select the where you want your ad to be placed. Other options you can apply is to exclude any topics or sites that are not a right match for your company. For instance you might not want to be associate with adult content or you are a youth group, having adult content will be just wrong. Even just to avoid a faux pas remember you can exclude the embarrassing domains using script.

Some invaluable tips for Google Display Network

You can save time and increase efficiency of your campaigns if you clean up your ad placement smartly. Just remember, automatized campaigns included. To do this, you should review everything. Review the negative placements shared set as well. And to escalate the script’s effectiveness, identify KPIs for the values of CTR, impressions, and conversions. After that you can think about the period of time the placement needs to reach the preferred KPIs. This will indicate how frequently the script should run.

To sum it up

Where you place your ads is important. But you can make your life easier if you use scripts to filter your ad placements. These will select the most effective options.

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Picture of Renier Koekemoer

Renier Koekemoer

Renier is a partner at and a regular interviewer of tech companies and their C-level teams. To arrange an interview please contact him directly at

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