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Create a killer PPC landing page with these 6 steps

pay per click

Each time someone clicks on an advert you have on digital marketing channels like Google AdWords, you pay for that click, but this advertising will direct them to your landing page. From there you have the chance to convert them into your new client. PPC landing page is, therefore, vital to give the customer confidence, that it look professional but easy to navigate. This include to direct the customers to what they saw on the advert in the first place.

This post is solely focused on the basics to make our landing page shine.

1 Simplify your focus and stick to one product or service

In the words of Edward R. Tufte “Clutter and confusion are failures of design, not attributes of information.” But seems too many companies don’t know that quote. They over load their landing page with call to action requests. In the end, the customer is confused, and will lose interest – oh yes, then your churn rate will raise. You want your customer to take action of looking at the item you paid an ad for. So don’t over complicate the process. Make it a 1 call to action per page. This formulae can lead to easier conversion process with a lower bounce rate.

2 Be direct

You have already de-cluttered your landing page, now make it that people don’t have to spend time on nothings. It is part of a friendly site, you don’t want people to feel lost. So ponder about how you can make the customer’s journey a pleasure and they can save time. But you should also understand your value proposition. So use that instead of trying to prove yourself. Just be super clear and up front.

3 Don’t bore your potential clients

Be real with yourself, and understand that people are busy. Your products might be the best and your service second to none, but do not over kill a landing page with your dullness. No rather if your landing page is a short form, then use short and simple English, and make use of bullets rather than paragraphs. If you are using a long form landing page, then make it so that the long can be skim read. But be warned, if the story is dull, or lacks value people will get bored and there increases your churn rate.

4 Use your images and visuals intelligently

If you have a generic landing page, your chances to have a boring landing page will increase. And if you think of making your landing page to stand out with images, okay great, but not stock images. These images might be irrelevant to your service or product. More so, they just make your site even more vanilla. Instead you need unique images, video or graphic content. These images should scream you and your product. Taking the time to do an excellence job of image selection and treatment will help set a potential customer’s experience, and make you that much more likely to win them over with a conversion.

5 Have a short sign-up form but not too short

The problem is that there is a disconnect between what marketers want to provide and customer want. So if you want information about the customer, do it with the customer’s wishes in mind, and limit the size of the sign-up form. Listen, consumers do not like lengthy forms, even if they really want that product. All what a long form will do is to increase your churn rate. The again, if you go for the extreme you will be shooing yourself in the foot. For example if you are just requesting an email address on a captcha form you will only attract spammers. What you should rather do is to follow this rule, of only include fields that are necessary for a potential lead to advance to the next step in your funnel. This could be a name, email address, company name and phone number. That should be your basics.

6 Provide some proof of your awesomeness

Firstly be honest. Bending the truth to attract customer will not work in the long run, it will only kill your legitimacy. But what you should be doing is to highlight your strengths. You can do this by adding feedback of your clients by adding quotes. This could build trust with potential clients. Remember the clients aren’t just buying a product or using your service, they are also buying into your brand.

To conclude

If you have a dedicated landing page that keeps the call-to-action simple, is direct, proves your product or service to be useful, and is credible, you have put your company in a great position to drive quality leads. Also remember you will need to manage it and update it over time to keep it fresh and current. This might not be possible due to capacity issues. You might want to outsource this role to a marketing agency. Be careful who you select, rather go for one that has a good standing. One marketing agency that can be approached is This company can create you a stellar PPC landing page that will help to increase your client base and reduce your costs. This company guarantees direct savings. They do not receive commission from ad agencies for programmatic media buying, thereby passing on any savings directly to the client.

Short description of

This marketing agency are known for running successful Google AdWords, BingAds, Linkedin and Facebook campaigns that provide businesses with thousands of new clients each year. As marketing campaign specialists, they have overseen substantial B2B and B2C accounts for more than 100 clients around the world. It is their success rate and specific attention to the client’s growth targets is what differentiate them from their competitor’s.

This agency intensely focuses on better conversions and returns: Helping their business increase their ROI online and reduce wastage that is typical with online advertising. Acquire new customers and re-engage old leads through efficient multi-channel campaigns. Plus, in terms of performance, they have the expertise to deliver campaigns that work based on the clients profile. In addition, there is no need to be locked into lengthy contracts with their flexible monthly options.

Picture of Adriaan Brits

Adriaan Brits

Adriaan Brits is the CEO of He works with clients around the world on digital marketing strategy and PR. When it comes to scaling a business, he is one of the top 10 consultants with the biggest media list globally.

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