What Is Keyword Planning?

With the online marketplace growing at an exponential rate, it is vital for businesses and digital marketers to keep up with the latest trends. In order to avoid getting lost in the crowd, online businesses need to ensure that they get search engines to work in their favor. Keywords play an integral role in increasing your online visibility and keyword planning helps to optimize your results.

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Keyword planning allows users to research and establish keywords for their search campaigns. Keyword planning is the first step in designing your SEO strategy. When internet users type queries into search engines such as Google, the platform will pick out keywords from the search and match them with the correlating online content. This is why it is important to utilize keywords on your website so that search engines can identify content as useful and relevant information. By using keyword planning tools marketers are able to uncover new keywords that relate to your business and improve your online visibility.

Importance Of Keywords for Your SEO Strategy

Research has shown that the vast majority of people do not venture further than the first page when conducting an online search. And since keywords play a huge factor in your search ranking, using incorrect keywords can prove detrimental for your webpage. You will lose out on the benefits that come from organic traffic when people click on your site from their search results list. The lack of organic traffic means fewer leads and therefore fewer sales. 

Whilst the quality of the content on your website is important, it becomes pointless if you do not have an audience to appreciate it. By identifying and listing your keywords, you can then begin to start constructing your content around them. Keyword-rich headings and content will allow your platform to outshine competitors and will encourage engagement to your page. This means that you will be able to now generate an audience that can be converted from leads into sales.

Keyword Planning Tools

Keyword planning tools help by taking the guesswork out of selecting keywords. The manual research process can be tiresome, lengthy, and does not guarantee accuracy. Digital keyword planning tools are designed to scan the internet and identify popular keywords that can help you to improve your online visibility as well as find useful marketing insights to improve your SEO strategies.

There are various tools available and they vary in price and functionality. Free Keyword planners are great to experiment with and can be helpful when trying to familiarize yourself with the concept of utilizing keywords. The more expensive options are often more feature-rich and can sometimes be complex to use for beginners. It is therefore important to conduct proper research on a product before committing to a purchase to ensure that you are getting the best value for money.

How To Use Keyword Planning Tools

Whilst there are various options available, they all work to provide the same outcome. Which is to provide users with a list of keywords to improve their web traffic. Despite the differences in their user interface, the concept is still the same. Users can input keywords that they are certain of and the tool will generate multiple suggestions that are suitable for yielding better ranking results. 


You may also have the option of entering the URL for a specific webpage and the digital tool will scan the page to provide you with relative keywords. An alternative option that is sometimes available is to generate keywords based on the category that best relates to your website.


Final Thoughts 

Keyword planning is an essential part of the SEO planning process. It ensures that there is no guesswork or words/phrases that may have been overlooked. It can be difficult to constantly keep up with the latest trends and relevant words, this is where keyword planning tools come in handy.

It is important to ascertain your level of knowledge before committing to the purchase of a keyword planning tool, utilize free software as well as trial periods to ensure that you make the correct investment. Regardless of your choice, it is vital that you utilize the SEO tool to ensure that your website is gaining as much traction and foot traffic as possible.

Picture of Adriaan Brits

Adriaan Brits

Adriaan Brits is the CEO of Sitetrail.com. He works with clients around the world on digital marketing strategy and PR. When it comes to scaling a business, he is one of the top 10 consultants with the biggest media list globally.

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