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3 Tips to increase ROI for PPC

pay per click

The goal of an e-commerce account is to improve ROI. Yes, marketers and businesses have one common goal, to driving revenue. It’s that simple. There might be other efforts, such as increasing sign-ups and sending out newsletters, but the end goal is to increase profits.

So the question you should be asking is how can you improve your ROI? I can’t answer that, then again most people will not be able to give you a clear and simple answer. The reason is since each e-commerce account is different, resulting that some strategies will work for one but fail in another. Still, there are 3 key principles that you keep in mind to make sure that you are on track.

1 Develop the account structure

You need to be OCD when it comes to your account structure. This comes from the way you piece together your campaigns. That said, your campaigns will be impacted by the match types you are utilizing for each ad group. Still, you need to keep your structure organised. The reason is if you make changes as you develop your campaigns, you still need to be able to increase click through rate and reduce cost per action. To remain organised, and allowing for changes, you can make use of fluid themes for your campaigns and ad groups. You can then organise your structure using these themes, segmenting by match type at either the ad group or campaign level will offer you added assistances.

The benefits you will gain is that of better control when it comes to search queries matching to keywords and the ad copy being showed to consumers. Also it will allows for embedded negatives to direct keywords to the appropriate ad group, but also the modification to ensure that the budget remains under control and make changes based on performance at the campaign level.

2 Cut down on non-converting spending

You need to review your keyword list regularly. This action is very effective and fast to ensure that you aren’t spending funds on keywords that aren’t driving conversions. In this way you are improving your ROI.

To do this you should keep in mind that, you should look out for click assisted conversions. Simply put, Click-Assisted Conversions is the total number of conversions for which a particular keyword contributed one or more assist clicks. Assist clicks can be defined as the total number of clicks a keyword received prior to a conversion, excluding the last click. Also look at a longer date range for better insights. This will give you better insights about the money spent on some keywords.

Lastly, also look at search queries. Keywords might drive conversions, but you need to look at the traffic behind these keywords as well.

3 Use remarketing lists for search ads

Remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA) is a feature that lets you customize your search ads campaign for people who have previously visited your site, and tailor your bids and ads to these visitors when they are searching on Google and other search partner sites. Once you have completed your RLSA lists, then these can aid in increasing your POI. With RLSA viewers, we have the capacity to growth bids for users who are more likely to convert than your average Joe on the street who has not ever heard of your brand. This gives you the ability to, in theory at least, bid down across your search campaign as a whole, but bid higher on audiences more likely to convert.

To close

These strategies aren’t massively impressive, and seemingly elementary, but they are easy and fast way to improve your ROI. If you are still unsure how to improve your ROI, then you should contact a professional agency. One that exactly this kind of things is the marketing agency

Short description of

This marketing agency are known for running successful Google AdWords, BingAds, Linkedin and Facebook campaigns that provide businesses with thousands of new clients each year. As marketing campaign specialists, they have overseen substantial B2B and B2C accounts for more than 100 clients around the world. It is their success rate and specific attention to the client’s growth targets is what differentiate them from their competitor’s.

This agency intensely focuses on better conversions and returns: Helping their business increase their ROI online and reduce wastage that is typical with online advertising. Acquire new customers and re-engage old leads through efficient multi-channel campaigns. Plus, in terms of performance, they have the expertise to deliver campaigns that work based on the clients profile. In addition, there is no need to be locked into lengthy contracts with their flexible monthly options.

The company also provides guaranteed direct savings. That is they do not receive any commission from ad agencies for programmatic media buying, effectively passing on any savings directly to the client. In the process of scaling up a client’s business, it is common to see a reduction in acquisition cost as selectively targeting and optimization increases.

The agency’s typical client spend anywhere between $3000 and $75 000/month via online advertising, spread across multiple ad networks. Working with this agency is incredibly insightful as they provide transparent reporting systems to keep the client informed each step of the way, throughout the lifetime of the client’s campaign.

Picture of Virginia Sagal

Virginia Sagal

Virginia is a business consultant who specializes in the digital economy.

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