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Predicting near-time online trends

The latest play by Heat the ad agency of Deloitte is pretty interesting: It is to analyze a hundred million posts every day which will give them the ability to make as many as 1 million predictions every 30 minutes. They are doing this by making use of a sophisticated AI-powered practice which can allegedly allow them to predict short-term online trends especially those that is expected to become popular in the next 72 hours. This system is known as Heat AI and it makes use of sophisticated technologies as well as patented algorithms which has access to 100 million posts daily and this includes websites, social networks, and blogs. This makes it possible for them to make 1 million predictions every 30 minutes and this allows them to target many trends as well as keywords which is able to discover an increased interest in the markets. There have been similar technologies but according to reports, Heat has an accuracy rate of 70%. The purpose behind all of those predictions is to provide brands with keywords and accurate choices when it comes to marketing or adds. According to a spokesperson for Heat, no one has yet made use of AI-derived predictive insights which will allow people to develop a definite advantage as far as the markets are concerned.

Similar technologies have already been used


Technologies such as these are often used by a variety of platforms and tools with the purpose of predicting which prospects have the best chance to become customers. It is also used in order to determine which opportunities are the most likely to result in a closed deal. Artificial intelligence is frequently employed when it comes to trend-forecasting platforms. MIT researchers have developed an AI model in 2013 which was able to predict engagement based on tweets and retweets and the results could be obtained within a matter of minutes. There was also a company by the name of Tilofy which were doing business in 2016 and who was also making use of an automated trend forecaster. There were also Visible Measures which had a tool which was claimed to be able to predict future trends. This was followed in 2017 by PI which was an AI-powered social marketing tool. It was introduced by Post Intelligence for the purpose of predicting social engagement.

The system used by Heat


There was also a company by the name of Sizmek which was operating as a serving and management platform. It is another in a line of companies which has been making use of a variety of intelligence tools in order to allow it to predict what kind of creative ads in marketing has the greatest potential to succeed. Heat’s new service is making use of artificial intelligence in order to determine short-term trends which involves very quick turnarounds. This is things which can impact daily keywords or decisions especially relating to image choices or search campaigns. Heat which is a San Francisco advertising agency was purchased by Deloitte Digital in 2016. The purpose of the acquisition was to allow Deloitte to create the world’s first creative digital consultancy.

If you have an interest in AI, here are some more resources I’d love to share:

Avi Ben Ezra on CEOWorld – Discussing AI & Chatbots

Avi Ben Ezra on how to run more competitive government systems

Watch this video on the future of business communications:




Picture of Avi Ben Ezra

Avi Ben Ezra

Avi Ben Ezra is the CTO of SnatchBot, a leading chatbot platform and marketplace. His research in artificial intelligence is world renowned and as a serial entrepreneur, he advises many other startups on marketing technology. Avi has a strong following in the technology field.

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