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PPC 101: Eight tips to get you started

Pay per click

Pay per click (PPC) marketing, which also known as paid search marketing, might seem overwhelming, but it can be an effective means for a corporation to promote its services and spread its reach. Also, either you aiming for new or old customers, a PPC campaign can upsurge conversions, as long as they are constructed meritoriously. Here are 8 tips that you should always keep in mind when you are investing in PPC.

Tip 1: Start small

Start with a small campaign. More so, use it as an experiment. This will be good for you to learn how it works, and you can gather ideas on how to improve it. Also, don’t worry about conversion and clicks. The thing that you should be doing is to improve your PPC marketing skills till you are relaxed to finance more money in a bigger campaign.

Tip 2: Set a goal for your PPC campaign

Having a goal when you are planning your PPC campaign can be useful. It can be for brand awareness, engagement, or lead generation, but having a goal helps you to focus. That is since each goal will require a set of metrics to analyse its effectiveness. Just remember that as the goal changes you will need to make changes to ensure that the campaign still remains effective.

Tip 3: Scrutinize the keywords

Start by analyzing your competitors’ keywords they are bidding on. The look how their keywords are performing. Also start thinking of alternatives that could yield better results. Alternatively you can take a set of keywords and test them until you can limit your list. Just keep in mind that keywords that combine high search volume with low competition are the ideal ones.

Tip 4: Discover your audience

Your PPC campaign’s success will depend on if you have targeted the correct audience. Therefore, it’s vital to find your right audience to promote your service or product. Your PPC campaign can be a waste of money if it’s focused on the wrong audience. But also you can increase the chances to increase conversion if you know your audience. Then, once you are familiar with your audience’s demographics that you are going to target, then you are placing your PPC campaign on the road of success.

Tip 5: Use A/B to test your campaign

Right through all the stages of your PPC campaign you should be conducting A/B testing. That is, right from the title, the copy, the image, right to the landing page, as well as the target audience, there are different ways to test the success of a campaign. A/B testing is one. It allows you to grasp what it takes to make a successful PPC campaign. This measure could also provide you with insights.

This post was written for marketers in mind. However most companies that are entering the digital marketing playing field might be overwhelmed by what to do. For those, expert knowledge and guidance is needed.

One marketing agency you can approach is that of, a PPC specialist. This international company is apt at running Google AdWords, BingAds, Linkedin and Facebook campaigns that will lead to growth of consumer base. There is an intense focus on improved conversion and returns, with the point of increasing ROI online and reduce online advertising waste. If you want to increase you online market share, and remain within budget, contact them.

To get started on your own with PPC for Google and Bing: Take the course on Linkedin. 

Picture of Adriaan Brits

Adriaan Brits

Adriaan Brits is the CEO of He works with clients around the world on digital marketing strategy and PR. When it comes to scaling a business, he is one of the top 10 consultants with the biggest media list globally.

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