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How To Build An Ecommerce Website With WordPress and Woocommerce

Constructing and developing an Ecommerce website is the first step to creating greater brand awareness and increases your credibility with consumers. By creating an easy to navigate user interface, businesses have the opportunity to create the perfect online experience for their shoppers. Stand out from competitors by using your platform as your company’s prime opportunity to showcase what makes your business unique.

A successful SEO optimized ecommerce store requires business owners to understand and incorporate SEO marketing strategies , research hosting sites as well as the ability to create and publish quality content. The fees to develop the necessary modular solutions from the ground up can easily exceed $200K, so it is often more feasible to outsource the help of web development  specialists such as Sitetrail.

With a company such as Sietrail, businesses are able to receive flexible and complete Ecommerce web design. Their web development is powered by WordPress and WOOcommerce and sustained by excellent copywriting, video scripting and an influential affiliate management & recruitment system. Sitetrail’s competitive pricing and a world renowned expertise make them the ideal candidate to start your online business.

Recommended: Create a professional and streamlined user interface- Order A Custom WordPress Ecommerce Website from Sitetrail.

Read on to learn how you can use WordPress and Woocommerce to create a personalized website that is tailored to your specific business needs:

Why WordPress?

Whilst there are other options out there, WordPress offers customers the flexibility to create their online vision. Due to this flexibility users are able to add a variety of plugins; this means that you are in charge of the factors that affect your search engine optimization. Every business wants their brand to be at the top of search engine results and using WordPress as your company’s content management system gets you one step closer to the top by facilitating the creation of user friendly, accessible and useful web content.


Being an open-sourced platform WordPress is free to install and claims to be the most popular ecommerce platform on the web. The online platform has proved to be a favourite by bloggers and online stores alike by offering limitless options for customization, allowing users room for flexibility and offering excellent value for money. An alternative such as Shopify charges users a transaction fee if they use payment gateways other than their own. Shopify also has higher app costs whereas the WooCommerce plugin is free.


WordPress incorporates a unique combination of winning elements that renders the platform an elite content management system. This is why companies such as Sitetrail utilizes WordPress and Woocommerce when creating professional Ecommerce sites for their global client base.


Sitetrail is a leader in this industry because customers receive a no-coding and easy to update approach. They allow customers access to premium gig packages that will ensure access to a full ecommerce store with Woocommerce functionality. Sitetrail lets you focus on running your business whilst they let their meticulously curated team of web experts, copywriters and designers work their magic to deliver the perfect solution for your Ecommerce requirements.


 How to build your website in 7 steps:

1. Find your Domain

Your domain name is your website’s unique web address. You will want to keep this as close to your store name as possible. Try to create a domain that is efficient by keeping it short and easy for your customers to remember. Domains can be purchased online, prices vary from free of charge to thousands of dollars for more in demand urls. 

2. Find a suitable hosting provider

Every website requires hosting, it is how you secure your spot on the internet. When picking a host, look for one that specialises in your CMS. When picking a host it is important to think about the platform that you are trying to create as well as if they are able to prove the type of hosting  that you require.

3. Understanding how to install WordPress and Woocommerce

Familiarise yourself on how to install WordPress. Your hosting provider may offer you the option of “one click” installs , which simplifies this step, if this perk is not offered then you will have to opt for a manual setup. Once this is completed you can proceed to install in the Woocommerce plugin. Installing the Woocommerce plugin will add Ecommerce functionality to your website, this is free to install , however some extensions may require purchasing.

4. Create your layout

This is where you will pick the theme for your website, this will set the tone for your business image. Creating a theme from scratch will require a vast amount of coding and unless you are a coding expert, this can be difficult. So it will be best to choose one from a set of readily available precoded themes. Themes can also be purchased from third party sellers.

5. Upload your products

At this stage you have already installed all of the necessary plugins and extensions. You should have familiarized yourself with the wordpress interface and you are now ready to upload your products.


Here you will be required to enter the name of your product, the product description, price and any images associated. It is important to add a main image as well as images that show the closer details of the product. Provide your customer with all necessary information.

6. Get creative with plugins and content 

Now that all of the main aspects are completed, you can focus on tweaking the finer details. Add plugins that will improve the experience of your customer such as site reviews and improved online security. Plugins that will help your SEO ranking should not be overlooked either.. You can even turn a website into a complete affiliate engine with this custom affiliate management system for WordPress

7. Go Live 

Once you are happy with your site and all of your products are loaded successfully , you can finally publish your site. Once this is done your online store will be live on the internet and you can start racking in your sales.


If at the end of this article you still do not feel confident enough to create your own webstore, do not lose hope. In reality, most successful online retailers outsource professional ecommerce website builders. This will ensure that your business is created and run in the most efficient way. Just remember to pick a company that has experience in this field and understands how ecommerce and digital marketing works. Pick a company that is willing to grow with your business. Sitetrail allows their clients to recruit their own affiliates and retain them with a powerful, user-friendly system that is used by thousands of successful retailers.


Picture of Adriaan Brits

Adriaan Brits

Adriaan Brits is the CEO of He works with clients around the world on digital marketing strategy and PR. When it comes to scaling a business, he is one of the top 10 consultants with the biggest media list globally.

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