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Twitter Verified Badge: 5 Things You Should Know

Active Twitter users have most probably noticed a verified blue checkmark next to various account usernames when scrolling through their feed. More often than not, this blue icon is associated with a popularity status symbol and is sought after by brands, businesses, and influencer-like personalities. However, according to the social media platform, this icon indicates an authentic profile from replica accounts or fake profiles. Still, it is easy to see why the symbol is associated with a level of fame. 


Suggestion: Visit our Twitter Verification Service which can help you get verified on Twitter. 


1. The Meaning of Twitter Verification

The blue Twitter verification badge symbolizes that the Twitter platform itself recognizes a particular verified account as a genuine, authentic, and credible source of interest to the public forum. Aside from credibility, verification has the potential to enhance an online presence on Twitter to their particular audience. It is important to note that verification does not mean endorsement or popularity; however, a certain amount of recognition may come with verification. To reiterate, accounts eligible for verification are more often than not determined to be of public interest; these accounts include global brands, political figures, celebrities, and influencer-like personalities. 

2. Verification Benefits

Aside from credibility, prevention of identity theft, and enhanced online reputation, Twitter verification comes with multiple perks and benefits. Previously, verification was solely at the discretion of Twitter; users were not given the opportunity to request verification which means that verified users were granted their blue badge through direct notice and intervention on the part of the Twitter platform itself. 

3. Requirements to Get Verified

While it is essential to meet the Twitter eligibility criteria to get verified, alternative tactics like interacting, optimizing the account profile, and engaging in conversations may increase credibility before applying for verification. Any specific brand or personality should put in the effort to maintain their account by monitoring their content and engaging accordingly to appear as an authentic, credible, and reliable source of content. 

4. Twitter Verification Process

Since the Twitter verification process has recently upgraded to a self-serve system, account owners could access their account settings and select “request verification” through their logged-in account profile. Once users have accessed this setting, they may be asked to fill in some essential information and confirm their identity through a photo ID or official website’s reference to the account. Once the application form is completed, it will be submitted into the queue for review. The Twitter platform will review the request and decide whether the account is worthy of approval. Verification may especially be of interest for micro-influencers, small businesses, and political leaders looking to apply for verification in order to prevent account theft and impersonation. 


5. After Twitter Verification

Beyond fulfilling the necessary verification requirement, account owners should consider improving their brand profiles’ completeness and authenticity to broaden their engagement on the platform. Verification holds an interesting representation; although many platforms only grant the blue checkmark of authenticity, Twitter provides tangible benefits aside from credibility to becoming verified, such as access to Twitter analytics and cyclical validation. 


When users see the verification mark next to a user’s profile, they automatically assume that the profile belonging to the account is valuable; this enhances a cycle of positive reinforcement and can improve and increase brand power and digital notoriety. 

Final Takeaway 

For account owners who are already verified or are seeking verification, aside from being the status symbol of authenticity, the blue checkmark on a profile could also mean that there would be an increasingly closer connection to other verified users. Twitter will never hide interactions like likes, replies, and retweets of other verified users, and the platform will add an increased layer of security in terms of account impersonation. 


Picture of Virginia Sagal

Virginia Sagal

Virginia is a business consultant who specializes in the digital economy.

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